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Of Good Report

Hymn Sing—June 5, 2016

From the November 2016 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What follows is an edited summary of the Hymn Sing held on Sunday, June 5, 2016, in the Extension of The Mother Church and broadcast live online. The Hymn Sing was one of the events held during the weekend prior to Annual Meeting. To watch the full replay, visit To listen to recordings and access sheet music for 12 of the 14 hymns sung during the Hymn Sing, visit

To begin the Hymn Sing, Ryan Vigil, the host of the Hymn Sing and Hymnal Specialist with the General Publications department of The Christian Science Publishing Society, welcomed those in attendance in the Extension of The Mother Church and those listening online. Ryan then introduced Gwen Eagleton, Co-Soloist of The Mother Church, Evan Bryant, guest soloist at The Mother Church, Bryan Ashley, Organist of The Mother Church, and Marian English, a Christian Science practitioner and teacher and former Second Reader of The Mother Church (participating via videoconference from Colorado).

Ryan invited Marian to share some thoughts about the spiritual significance of music and the activity of singing hymns.

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