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Letters & Conversations


From the July 2016 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Journal now has an occasional column called “Learning from what Jesus said.” Whether you’re inspired by the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ parables, or what the master Christian said during the last supper—or something else entirely—we’re interested in hearing how Christ Jesus’ words have brought meaning and depth to your practice of Christian Science. Sharing healing experiences that relate to the topic is welcome but not required. See for submission information

At first glance it looked too long and possibly not very personally relevant, but I’m so glad I rejected a temptation to bypass Jürgen Kurt Stark’s article “Abiding safely in Christ” in the April 2016 Journal, because it proved to be a consummate explanation of how safety and security (and every aspect of human experience) are absolutely linked with the mental perspective we support. It methodically disabuses the reader of a belief that any aspect of life is ever controlled by a power or presence other than God’s infinite, eternal love. Reading it illuminated for me the crucial importance of monitoring my mental stance. 

Many thanks to Mr. Stark for a very helpful and encouraging article. 

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