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Spiritual Short

Brotherhood in Church

From the July 2016 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One particular group of people has a type of bond that is perhaps unequaled by any other. This group is found in a Christian Science church service. Here is a brotherhood of individuals who have in common the profoundest ideals in the universe—seeing more of God’s reality and healing the sick and sinning. 

I’ve found it inspiring to look out over the congregation and cherish each individual as someone who has the same basic love of the revelation of Christian Science as I have. And yet, who among us hasn’t looked out over the congregation and had thoughts surface such as: “Oh, there’s John. Got to check with him about some parking issues after church,” or, “Hum, Beth’s here—haven’t seen her in church for a while,” or even, “Oh my, Bill and I sure don’t see eye to eye when it comes to politics.” 

But all those who have chosen to be in the congregation at a Christian Science church service are relating together to a sermon, in the Christian Science Bible Lesson, unlike any other sermon on earth. The congregation joins at the end of the service in hearing “the scientific statement of being” proclaimed from the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (see p. 468). Nowhere is there a group, except in the context of Christian Science, experiencing such a revolutionary message of the nothingness of matter and the allness of infinite Mind.

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