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Of Good Report

A church meeting on The Christian Science Monitor and healing

From the August 2016 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the fall of 2015, Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist, Washington, DC, hosted an inspirational meeting in order to better understand the connection between The Christian Science Monitor and healing. At this event, we watched an insightful video produced by The Mother Church, “A conversation about The Christian Science Monitor with our church family,” and then discussed the questions asked in the video. Many ideas on how to pray with the Monitor were shared throughout the evening during our discussion, and the following five best illustrated, to me, how the Monitor enables us to pray more effectively for the world. 

When faced with a personal challenge, you may be tempted to believe that good is missing from your experience. You may think, “I lack health or supply or love.” However, in order to pray effectively—including with the Monitor—you have to let go of a mistaken, personal sense of goodness and instead see God’s boundless goodness. Mary Baker Eddy tells us in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: “Allness is the measure of the infinite, and nothing less can express God” (p. 336). 

In order to pray effectively you have to let go of a mistaken, personal sense of goodness and instead see God’s boundless goodness.

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