One of my very early memories of Christmas is of an evening when I was probably about twelve. My parents had gone out briefly for some shopping, and it was a new feeling for me, being entirely alone in a silent house but with all the familiar decorations—the fresh green boughs on the mantel, the lighted candles in the windows.
I sat down by the Christmas tree, and I remember wishing that the way I was feeling at that particular moment could last forever. It wasn’t at all related to school vacation or to Christmas gifts that might be coming. It was just a feeling of overflowing love for everyone and everything that kept growing. It was so definite and distinct, so different from everyday thoughts, and yet totally real and natural. I told myself I would always remember it.
To be honest, I didn’t remember it, and the experience was forgotten for long stretches of time. Interestingly, though, it came to thought recently as I was thinking about the remarkable things Christian Science has to teach us about Christmas.