I was expecting my second baby and was determined that this birth would be a better experience than my first, which had been difficult and long. I have to say that even though I considered myself a Christian Scientist, I had not given myself the thorough Christian Science treatment required to rely on this method of healing. So this time, I contacted a Christian Science practitioner for help.
As we talked, I told him my fears and concerns about the previous birth. He suggested that a deep sense of calm, if it is rooted in an understanding of where peace comes from, handles pain. We understood peace to come from God and that God was all-good Spirit. So I decided to spend the next several months understanding this spiritual calm. What did the concept really mean? Did I have to wait for some sort of emergency to be calm? If not, how could I bring a greater sense of spiritual calm into my life even before the birth?
I began by making a list of qualities of calm. In the beginning I thought there was a lot about calm that I did not admire. I thought being calm was doing nothing. I was a go-getter who admired energy and vivaciousness. But as I began studying what it really meant, a whole new view of calm appeared that included peace, harmony, and tranquility.