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Spiritual Short


From the November 2019 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As a young mother, I often turned to a local Christian Science practitioner for help. We called her “Grandma Helen” because she was like family. I was once bemoaning the fact to her that I must demonstrate, solve and heal, whatever it was I was embroiled in at the moment “in order to prove Christian Science” for everyone.

She said with her no-nonsense affection, “Look, cookie, it’s been proven by others long ago, so don’t worry about it.” She was telling me, and I knew it, that I was not personally responsible for the success of the entire Christian Science movement, that it would stand on its own merit. 

I repeat this little story simply because I think students of Christian Science care deeply about Christian Science, and we so want it to be seen and understood and appreciated and accepted and ... grow! That’s good, and we shouldn’t be complacent, but more than that, God truly doesn’t need us to do lots of explaining to the world how it works. Our lives should, instead, show how it works.

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