Have you ever been lifted to a new view of yourself by someone who loved you enough to see your potential and abilities, things you didn’t seem able to see for yourself, rather than focusing on things that seemed wrong? Would you be willing to consider how this new view can help you tap into the essence and law of your very being—a law that is here to be discovered and practiced?
The law I’m speaking of is this spiritual law: “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good” (Genesis 1:31). Pure goodness, then, defines our spiritual nature and is the primary law to our being, constituting all that creation eternally is.
We see this law of being borne out, for example, in heartwarming stories of the courage and selfless commitment of wonderful teachers and mentors who are making a difference as they help their students break through all sorts of barriers. These caring teachers don’t pretend everything is fine. Instead, they steadfastly decline to rivet thought on all the negative things about students or to believe they are trapped in a system where there is no way out. These teachers keep their view focused on what’s good or the potential for good—what is actually created and sustained by God—even though it may not yet be visible. The teacher looks for ways to bring out that goodness in the student.