Early one July morning several years ago, my little dog, Liebi, a tiny Pomeranian, got lost in the eight-foot-tall corn in the large field north of my house.
I searched for her and talked with some neighbors, who also began looking for her, but she had completely disappeared. Since searching the entire 40-acre field (over 1.5 million square feet) was impossible, I began to pray, knowing that God was protecting this little 3.5-pound dog and would keep her safe from the coyotes and raccoons and lead her out of the field. I called a Christian Science practitioner to support my prayers in knowing Liebi could never for a moment be outside of God’s constant care.
I was so sure that Liebi would come home safely that I had no fear. I had put her bed out on the porch, thoroughly expecting to see her there the next morning, but when the sun came up, it was empty.