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Of Good Report

God met our family’s needs

From the September 2022 issue of The Christian Science Journal

During her final term in primary school, our daughter passed the national grade seven examinations with good points, despite interruptions throughout Zimbabwe, such as school closures, due to the pandemic. 

We celebrated our daughter’s commendable academic performance, knowing that intelligence is from God and she reflects divine Mind’s intelligence—as do all of God’s children—which explained her positive results. However, challenges soon began to arise. The following year our daughter would be crossing from primary school to secondary school. This step can be a formidable one for parents or guardians, because they have to be financially stable to pay the higher secondary school fees. Our own financial situation seemed very unstable. 

Furthermore, the pandemic had put the educational sector into confusion. Misleading and false news was on the rise. It became a hectic period for parents, who were frantically looking for school vacancies for their children. We had to secure a place for our daughter amid this confusion and the competition for a limited number of vacancies. 

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