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Of Good Report

Good holds on to you

From the September 2022 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Standing in my kitchen, packing up some last-minute things before a big move in a couple of days, I was anxiously awaiting the delivery of a couch. It was getting dark and we lived out in the country with poor cell service. The delivery company had already canceled twice, so this seemed to be the last opportunity. 

With each step in preparation for the move, I had been getting practice turning to God. Answers would often come unexpectedly, but they were always practical and came in just the right way, at the right time. So I was actually grateful for this new opportunity to humbly trust in God.

As the delivery time for the couch came and went, I asked God for help. I got a gentle nudge to be still, which is part of an instruction in the Bible that I had been working with and reflecting on: “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalms 46:10). As I stilled my thoughts, previous moves came to mind, along with the feelings of hardship related to the circumstances I had faced during those times. I had often felt left out, skipped over, and like a perpetual underdog. As these memories came, a quiet but firm light began correcting my view. 

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