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Testimonies of Healing

Freed from depression

From the November 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The isolation of the lockdown imposed upon us during the recent pandemic was a blessing for me. It gave me time alone, away from the unwelcome stress I experienced when going to work, or even to the grocery store. I had recently retired from my job as a primary care provider in a family medical practice after 33 years. I was ready to stop work when I did. I had also been medically treated for a condition of depression for over 20 years. And I felt ready to stop treating that medically, too.

My husband was raised as a Christian Scientist and introduced me to this religion when we got married 39 years ago. I attended a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, for about five years. However, I felt a tug-of-war between spiritual practice and medical practice. My husband ended up having a knee replacement surgery, which had a poor outcome that left him disabled. Because of his condition, my husband was unable to work, and with two children, we faced bankruptcy. I needed to keep working in the field where I had my training in order to support my family. Although I felt deeply conflicted by the decision, I ultimately chose to leave the Church of Christ, Scientist, at that time. 

Years later, when I became a retiree, I sought a new identity apart from healthcare. This was the beginning of a wonderful transformation, or rather, reformation.

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