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“You know who you are”

From the November 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The nature of God as pure goodness is naturally reflected in each of us; and Christ, God’s message to mankind, makes us aware of our Godlike identity—the reflection of God, divine Love itself. Christly thoughts come to our immediate rescue to pull us out of any discordant or threatening situation. 

One morning, I read where Jesus says to his disciples, “He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him” (John 6:56). Those words may seem confusing or jarring if we are not conscious of what they spiritually mean. So, after reading, I pondered the meaning, staying open to more of what God, divine Mind, would reveal to me. The divine Mind is always reflected by man, our original, pure nature as God’s spiritual image and likeness. 

A little later that morning, while driving to my office for an appointment, I developed an uncomfortable constriction in my chest. Right there and then, at a stoplight, I knew it was important to take a stand and lean on God, and I immediately declared the presence and power of omnipotent good. Then I heard myself saying something like, “Listen, you. Wake up! You know who you are.” It was my way of quickly awakening to my harmonious identity as God’s spiritual child, by mentally turning away from fear and physical sensation and standing with the one power, God.

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