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Welcome - October 2024

From the October 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear Friend,

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, writes of the divine Mind, God, as “Deity, which outlines but is not outlined” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 591). There is great comfort and assurance in looking to God for His outlining of our lives, as seen in how God imparted to the prophets visions of the unspeakable good in store for all humanity.

Think about how Isaiah provided details about the coming Messiah centuries in advance. For example, he shared that the Master would be one who “openeth not his mouth” in affliction, like “a sheep before her shearers.” This prophecy of Isaiah 53 was fulfilled in Christ Jesus’ sublime example of answering not his enemies when brought before Pilate, shortly before he was sentenced to death. Yet centuries earlier it had also been foretold that he would overcome the grave, and he did that in his wondrous resurrection, giving us everlasting proof of unquenchable Life, God.

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