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Of Good Report

No more speeding

From the August 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As a teen, I learned to drive in a sports car. Exceeding the speed limit was of no concern. I was having fun! As I grew in my understanding of God and His law, however, better adherence to traffic laws followed. But there were times when I still felt that driving over the speed limit was OK—even inevitable in some cases—and this happened fairly regularly. 

Daily studying the weekly Bible Lesson from the Christian Science Quarterly helped me put the ideas I was learning into practice; it became an increasingly integral part of my life, and going faster than the posted speed limit became more and more uncomfortable, even though it seemed necessary—such as in commuter traffic, when nearly all other motorists were speeding. “Shouldn’t I conform and not hold people up and make them angry?” I would think.

In addition to not speeding, this experience had been a lesson in selflessness. 

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