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Rotation on the Board of Trustees

- Church News

We would like to announce a change on the Board of Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society. On August 2, 2024, David Hohle, CSB, rotated off the Board of Trustees. The new Trustee, Jennifer McLaughlin, CSB, joins Michael Fish, CSB, and Arcadia Nones, CSB, on the Board of Trustees effective October 1, 2024.

Jennifer is a Christian Science practitioner and teacher in Boston, where she has served since 2010 as the Publisher’s Agent for Mary Baker Eddy’s Writings at The Mother Church. In this role, she has overseen the publication and distribution of the Bible and Mrs. Eddy’s writings in all formats and languages on behalf of the Christian Science Board of Directors, the Publisher. Jen has always appreciated the sacredness of this work and has performed her duties with spiritual dignity and grace.

Prior to being appointed Publisher’s Agent, Jen served in several other publishing and marketing-related jobs at the Publishing Society. She has a degree in Environmental Science and earned an MBA from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, while her husband, Abe, was stationed in that city as a reporter for The Christian Science Monitor. She’s been a Journal-listed Christian Science practitioner since 2010 and became a teacher of Christian Science in 2021.

We are grateful for all Dave has brought to his role as Trustee over the last four and a half years. A Christian Science practitioner and teacher from Chicago, he has expressed joy in all his work for the Church and a ready willingness to serve. We know he will continue to bless the Cause of Christian Science through his healing and teaching ministry.

Please join us in thanking Dave and in welcoming Jen.

Board of Trustees
of The Christian Science Publishing Society

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