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A word about our process

- Editors' Table

If you’ve ever contributed to the Sentinel or Journal, you may have heard one of the editors say that your piece was in “the queue.” Or maybe you received an e-mail saying your submission would be put into “the pool” for consideration. Have you ever wondered what happens to a submission once you send it off (and you should!) to the periodicals?

Here’s how it typically works: Once a week, all the editors for both magazines get together to review submissions that have come in. The pieces are printed out to be reviewed in hard copy, and then compiled in genres: testimonies, articles, and poems. Each editor takes several pieces to review, and we all work together to determine which submissions might work for the magazines. We’ll often find a piece that meshes perfectly with an issue topic we have coming up. Other times, we’ll find several pieces, all on a similar topic, which could become the basis for a future issue.

Articles and testimonies that have potential for the magazines or for are either taken by individual editors for follow-up or put in a central “pool” of articles from which we draw when planning future issues.

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