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An online ‘cup of cold water’

- Editors' Table

In a previous post, Jeff Ward-Bailey explained what happens to an article after you send it off to the periodicals. But what happens to an article after it gets published online? People often ask us how everything is organized on JSH-Online. We get questions like: Is a blog featured in the same place as an article from a print issue? Could an article appear elsewhere online?

The JSH-Online Web team organizes all of the online content—making sure each article, blog, and podcast is published and featured where it should be. Different feeds on JSH-Online aggregate specific types of content, which create the homepage and navigation pages that you use when you visit the website. For example, to make sure that a piece appears in the “Web originals” feed, instead of the “Blogs” section, we put that piece in a specific electronic folder, with the proper technical tag. Then, the Journal and Sentinel slide shows on their respective homepages rotate through the latest blogs, podcasts, Web articles, and feature articles from the print issues.

But isn’t the only online presence of the Christian Science periodicals—we’re also on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, in an effort to reach people in those communities. While each of these social networks is different, in all three cases we feature content that is intended to be shared with the public, including with one’s “friends” or groups of contacts. We regularly post images with quotes from articles and blogs, site tips, and promotions for JSH-Online live chat events—and people “like,” “share,” “retweet,” and “repin” these posts as they spread across the Web.

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