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Aim for a single key point

- Editors' Table

My first published article in the Christian Science Sentinel taught me a key lesson in writing for the Christian Science periodicals, namely: to aim for a single focused theme or concept. 

At the time, the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania was struggling with a meltdown. My parents lived near the plant. Although I was working in Boston, I had really been praying. 

Soon, a friend at The Christian Science Monitor loaned me her car, and I planned to spend the day visiting places associated with Mary Baker Eddy. First, I drove to Red Rock, in Lynn, Massachusetts, where Mrs. Eddy often went for inspiration. As I looked out to sea, I asked in prayer: “Why could Jesus control the waves and we can’t even control one power plant?” The answer that came was: “Dominion, not arrogance.”

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