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Relevance and resonance

- Editors' Table

At a recent editorial staff meeting, we were discussing the idea, as we often do, that relevance for the reader is really important. The articles that appear in the Sentinel and Journal should reach people where they are and speak meaningfully to their situations. I also began to think about resonance, a term that’s often used in music. When something “resonates,” it rings beyond the initial chord or note to stay with the listener. 

Here at the Journal, and even more specifically at the Sentinel, we are tasked with bringing a spiritual perspective to and watching what’s in public thought. This sometimes means that there’s a need to extend beyond the obvious. Thinking about this has challenged me to broaden my concept of what I think is relevant for the Christian Science magazines—not just what I personally think is clever or fun, but what will truly resonate.

Here are some questions I began to ask myself as both an editor and a writer: 

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