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Articles that speak to the heart

- Editors' Table

Many of you reading this column have subscribed to the Christian Science magazines for several years or more, which means you know that thrilling feeling that comes when an article just speaks to you. Often it’s because an author explains a metaphysical concept in a way that resonates, or because someone’s testimony contains a spiritual lesson that perfectly applies to your own circumstance—whatever the case, there’s nothing like encountering an article that makes your heart sing.

Articles speak to  individuals in different ways, so there’s no one element that guarantees a particular piece will appeal to everyone. But as I’ve written for, and worked as an editor for, the Sentinel and Journal, I’ve found it helpful to remind myself that Truth is naturally attractive. S triving to authentically communicate what discovering more about God means to you, in a clear and convincing way, is simply the best way to reach readers.

To take just one example (out of thousands and thousands of possibilities), here’s one statement bursting with spiritual promise. It’s from “God’s Law of Adjustment” by Adam H. Dickey: “There is a law of God that is applicable to every conceivable phase of human experience, and no situation or condition can present itself to mortal thought which is outside of the direct influence of this infinite law.” It’s radical, and comforting at the same time. And you can see that kind of clarity in articles spanning the 130-year history of the Christian Science magazines, inspiring readers right up to today. 

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