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A simple healing from the Lesson

- Lessons from the Pastor

I start every morning by reading the Christian Science Bible Lesson. This is my spiritual food for the day, and I look forward to this time to really devour the spiritual concepts that the Lesson is teaching. It helps me to be receptive to God’s direction, and I’m always so grateful for little evidences of His care throughout my day. I so often find that the things I need to accomplish are unfolded in the most harmonious way.

One evening earlier this year I had a chance to meet a physical challenge with ideas from the Bible Lesson. It was evening when I noticed my left foot was giving me a little trouble and was uncomfortable to walk on. I thought I must have inadvertently sat on it, but the discomfort developed into intense pain as the evening went on. I was shivering and couldn’t get warm.

The Bible Lesson that week was on the subject of “Truth,” one of the seven synonyms for God given in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I had been so inspired by this Lesson when I read it that morning, and that evening I once again affirmed that there is only one power: God, good. I knew I was made in God’s image and likeness and that this truth could make me free, as Jesus taught: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). I knew this condition had no foundation in God, and since God fills all space and is the only power, it would have to disappear in the light of Truth. I clung to the ideas I had gleaned from the Bible Lesson, and also prayed with “the scientific statement of being,” a declaration of God’s allness found on page 468 of Science and Health.

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