Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
We are pleased to print, with permission, the following interesting letter from Rev. Irving C.
The inscription "In God we trust," is stamped upon the coin of our country, and it was of no small moment, that we—as a nation—should send forth a medium of commercial exchange bearing this declaration to all people, "In God we trust. " It is absolute.
The teachings of Christian Science meet with little, if any, opposition from unprejudiced investigators until the efficacy of spiritual understanding in healing sickness is declared. As Mrs.
Blessed are they who see, and yet believe not! Yea, blest are they who look on graves, and still Believe none dead; who see proud tyrants ruling. And yet believe not in the strength of Evil; Blessed are they who see the wandering poor, And yet believe not that their God forsakes them; Who see the blind worm creeping, and yet believe not That even that is left without a path.
For a long time I have been impressed with the necessity of understanding the meaning, and place, from a scientific standpoint, of the word "Confidence. " The Century Dictionary defines it, first, "Reliance on one's own powers, resources, or circumstances; belief in one's own competency; self-reliance; assurance.
To the Editor. Mark Twain's greatest misfortune is that he feels compelled to sustain his reputation as a wit, a humorist, a very funny fellow.
Concord, N. H.
We regret that our space does not permit us to publish in full the very able address of Mr. Will A.
It matters not to what denomination we belong, if only we realize that Christ is the Church and that there is no other. The Bible says God dwells not in temples made with hands.