Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
I recently heard a man say in a Christian Science organization testimony meeting, “If you are afraid or unsure of sharing the healing power of Christian Science, just know that, for me, my life was a lot harder before I learned about Christian Science. ” I certainly echo this sentiment in regard to my own life, having spent many years wandering in the wilderness of human beliefs searching for answers and divine inspiration.
The darkening sky outside, threatening a winter storm, matched my sinking mood. It was my sophomore year of college, and I was feeling buffeted on all sides.
Recently I was quietly pondering these words of Christ Jesus: “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father” ( John 14:12 ). As I did, I imagined what Jesus might say to us today regarding his life and teaching.
Picture this scene described in the Gospels: Jesus has spent three days with multitudes of people, instructing them and healing all that were placed in his path. He doesn’t want them to leave hungry, but his disciples question where they will find enough food for everyone, because they are in the wilderness.
What are we choosing to rebel against? Are we rebelling with our own authority or with God-given authority?
In the book of Isaiah, God says of man, “I have created him for my glory, I have formed him” ( 43:7 ). How encouraging it is to learn that we each are formed for the glory of God.
Thirty-five years had gone by since an outstanding healing I’d experienced took place. Before I’d had that healing, doctors had predicted I would suffer permanent brain damage or even death.
Ask a child to describe what light is, and one answer might be, “It’s what lets us see!” That simple logic is one of the reasons light so often appears to point to spiritual understanding in the Bible. Spiritual understanding enables us to discern God’s presence in our lives—expressed in health, harmony, and love—even as we may be struggling with a toilsome, and oftentimes turbulent, sense of existence.
I was recently going through some issues of the Journal, and I came across an article titled “ Church membership and worshiping the one Mind ” by Grayce G. Young.
I was the only one sitting in the pew. Everyone else was kneeling at the communion service of our branch Church of Christ, Scientist, but it was just too uncomfortable for me to kneel, owing to a painful internal condition.