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Of Good Report

Floodwaters dispersed

From the January 2020 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About three years ago, my parents gave me a call with some very grave news: Their house was about to be flooded. They told me that they were praying diligently and had enlisted the support of a Christian Science practitioner, and that my sister was also praying about this issue. They asked me to join the family in prayer.

Let me provide a little context. In 2011, my parents bought a house next to a river in Charles City, Iowa. It was a beautiful home, but it had been flooded in 2008, so it was in fairly poor condition when they purchased it. Over the next few years, my parents worked on restoring the home to its former appearance, and it became a favorite place for our family to spend time together. 

I started by mentally affirming the supremacy of God and acknowledging that His infinite power knows no opposite.

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