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Testimonies of Healing

Untrammeled movement and well-being restored

From the January 2020 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have studied this life-transforming divine Science since I was a child, and over the years I have witnessed and experienced countless proofs of healing through prayer. Many of these healings have come about quickly. Others have required persistence, and have compelled significant spiritual growth before being realized. 

In late 2017, I was challenged in a way I had never been before. On Christmas Day, I felt persistent pain in one of my arms. I did nothing about it, expecting it to pass. However, during the following week, the pain spread throughout much of my body. Before long I was experiencing extreme pain, and I was forced to severely curtail my activities. I gave up my morning run and began having trouble with normal movement. This was accompanied by extreme weight loss.

Initially I felt no fear, as I was so confident in the power of God to overcome any adverse condition. I was praying, but not diligently or consistently. But as the weeks dragged on to months and there was no improvement, I began to feel anxious. Despite knowing intellectually that I was dealing with a false belief rather than a real condition, I found myself wondering what “it” was, and what had caused it.

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