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Divine wisdom, made practical, promotes our spiritual progress

From the January 2020 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Integral to the practice of Christian Science is the expectation that prayer will result in our practical human needs being met in tangible ways. This prayer is based on knowing one all-powerful God, Spirit, and man in His image and likeness. Whether the need is for the healing of a physical illness, finding peace in a relationship, resolving a financial difficulty, or gaining the solution to some other problem, we can let go of thinking of ourselves as limited mortals and turn to God to find our spiritually substantial identity, which, when realized sufficiently, results in the practical provision of whatever is needed. 

The healing or the resolution of some problem could be said to be an “improved belief” (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 296) in that we have not yet overcome all aspects of material living, but have gained sufficient spiritual clarity for the resolution of the particular issue at hand. 

Although our oneness with God as His child is a present spiritual reality, our complete awakening to this fact seems to come by degrees. For example, although many are proving the practicality of relying on Christian Science for the healing of bodily disease, we likely have much more to learn before we fully understand and completely demonstrate life only in and of Spirit. And while many times individual healings are quick, even instantaneous, through prayer in Christian Science—and this is the standard Christian Scientists strive for—there are times when healing can be prolonged and come in stages of progressive freedom from an abnormal material condition. And in human life in general, resolution of particular issues through Christian Science may be a step-by-step experience, where we progressively gain dominion over the beliefs of material existence.   

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