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We are all taught of God

From the January 2020 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I first began studying Christian Science as a teenager. When I learned that one can take a course of instruction in this Science, I assumed it was only for older people who had already reached an advanced level of understanding, and that following the class, they would pretty much know everything there is to know about Christian Science. 

I wanted that for myself, too, but thought I would probably have to wait a long time until I had reached a suitable pinnacle of spiritual growth to be ready to take the class. 

As the years passed, this youthful misperception gave way to a more balanced view. I came to understand there’s no need to be “older” to take Christian Science Primary class instruction—and even those who have taken it are still learning. It is simply an aid to students, but an important one that deepens one’s understanding of this Science. 

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