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Testimonies of Healing

A daughter’s healing

From the January 2020 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Our youngest daughter has always been full of tremendous energy. From the time she learned to crawl she rarely sat idle. However, one day when she was six years old, she became very lethargic. My husband and I soon noticed that she was having difficulty breathing and quickly hired a Christian Science practitioner to provide Christian Science treatment. We both had a lifetime of significant healings in Christian Science and felt confident in this choice of treatment for our daughter.  

As my husband and I took turns holding our daughter close, we diligently prayed for her and felt the loving support of the practitioner, who I talked to several times about our daughter’s progress. Foremost in our thought was our child’s health and the need for quick healing, and the practitioner shared with us the powerful spiritual truths she was affirming in her treatment. 

I saw the need to take a mental stand, as well, for what I knew was true based on what I had learned and demonstrated through my study and practice of Christian Science, because I was initially so paralyzed by fear. Here’s what I knew: that God is All-Life and all-powerful; there is no opposing power that can take away the life or health of God’s children; every child is a constant reflection of divine Life; my daughter has an inseparable relation to her true Father-Mother God.  

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