Letters to the Journal from our readers. Opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of The Christian Science Journal.
Letters & Conversations
Wonderful interview [Janet Clements interviewed by Rita Polatin, “ How can I understand ‘the scientific statement of being’ better? ” Journal, April 2018] Thank you so much for this wonderful interview. I have always loved “the scientific statement of being” (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p.
Origin of communication I wish to express my thanks for “ All true communication begins with God ” by Barbara Cook Spencer in the February 2018 Journal. The whole article was a perfect treatment and reminded me that “all true communication begins with God, not man.
How Timely! [Susan Tish, “ See yourself as you really are ,” Journal, January 2018] How timely for me! I, too, have found my thoughts wandering during the reading of this passage from First John, chapter 3 . However, just this past Sunday as the verses from First John were being read, a very strong command to “pay attention” came to thought.
Seamless flow The articles in the December 2017 Journal are sewn together seamlessly, the spiritual ideas flowing smoothly through the magazine. In addition, Mark Swinney’s “ One present universe ” and Sue Spotts’s “ When challenges arise in the course of spiritual growth ” beautifully complement each other, emphasizing the power of keeping thought focused on the true nature of man and the universe as God-created and wholly good.
Filled with light [“ Practicing Christian Science with confidence ,” Deborah Huebsch, October 2017, Journal ] What a blessing this article is, and the entire October issue. I am in a dark hotel room trying not to waken my husband, seeking some inspiration.
Free to share Two articles in the September Journal have moved me forward in my “public practice” of Christian Science. In the Board of Lectureship’s report from Annual Meeting 2017 , a German woman relates how she broke through her reluctance to share Christian Science, thanks to the Bible verse Romans 1:16.
Much food for thought It has been my custom for many years to read the Journal from beginning to end, but when I received the September issue and saw that it began with the summary of The Mother Church’s Annual Meeting, I skipped that because I had enjoyed it live on the internet. However, it came to me that I could not skip over the Annual Meeting summary just because I was familiar with its content.
Fresh insight [“ ‘I recognized my innocence’: attack of pain stopped ,” Caleb King, July 2017, Journal ] I have been so grateful for the articles and testimonies in the periodicals and for the reader comments later that made me go back and read them with fresh insight. I read Caleb’s testimony a number of times over the past couple of days, gaining further understanding each time.
Discouragement dissolved [“ The new spirit rising ,” Margaret Rogers, June 2017, Journal ] This article has really made me think more deeply. It dissolved discouragement and helped me on my journey to become a better healer and a more dedicated church member.
Insightful article [“ The potency and power of Christian Science healing ,” Nathan Talbot, May 2017, Journal ] So clear! This penetrating, inspiring article deserves much more than a cursory view by all who love and practice Christian Science. My heartfelt gratitude to Mr.