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Letters & Conversations

Letters to the Journal from our readers. Opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of The Christian Science Journal.


Outstanding testimonies The whole November Journal is excellent, but the testimonies are truly outstanding! I very much appreciated their length. Each one could have been an article.


God in total control  Thanks to Brian Webster for his article, “ True deliverance ,” in the Journal of September 2015. To quote from the article: “Deliverance is an uncompromising affirmation of the immutability of God’s perfection, where affliction is unknown and harmony reigns supreme—as described in the first chapter of Genesis.


Digging deeper [“ Finding our Savior ,” Kevin Reeder, August 2015, Journal ] Moved by its depth and purity, I’ve reread this article several times. Kevin’s description of Christ is so clear and practical.


New column The Journal has a new column coming soon called “Learning from what Jesus said. ” Whether you’re inspired by the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ parables, or what the master Christian said during the last supper—or something else entirely—we’re interested in hearing how Christ Jesus’ words have brought meaning and depth to your practice of Christian Science.


New column   The Journal has a new column coming soon called “Learning from what Jesus said. ” Whether you’re inspired by the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ parables, or what the master Christian said during the last supper—or something else entirely—we’re interested in hearing how Christ Jesus’ words have brought meaning and depth to your practice of Christian Science.


Full of encouragement I am cheering Hilary Waller’s message regarding the value of the Christian Science periodicals in her article titled “ The Christian Science periodicals: Fuel for spiritual growth ” in the April 2015 Journal! I have long felt that every writer is my “friend in the night. ” The April issue is especially full of loving encouragement.


Excellent issue Thank you for this most excellent Journal, the April 2015 issue ! I found the articles fresh and written with a touch of humility. Joan Andrews was right when she said most of us have not given much thought to “the phenomena of improvisation.


Treasured issue The February 2015 Journal is one to be treasured! So many wonderful articles. One, in particular, led to an immediate healing—Margit Hammerstrom’s article “ The moving train—and a lesson about illusion.


Very clear [“ No healing yet? Silence the antichrist! ” Nathan Talbot, February 2015, Journal ] Thank you so much for making it very clear that we can stand up to the antichrist, and showing us what it claims to be, and how we can meet this claim effectively! Suzanne Ruffin JSH-Online. com Web post So grateful I am very grateful for the interview with Valerie Unger in the February Journal, “  ‘Feed my sheep’—Deepening our commitment to healing.


Deep appreciation In deep appreciation for Barbara Cook Spencer’s article: “ The importance, value, and power of one ” (January 2015 Journal ), I can testify to the great need to value what each of us has to share. We are a precious facet of one stupendous whole.

