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Letters & Conversations

Letters to the Journal from our readers. Opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of The Christian Science Journal.


Insightful article [“ The potency and power of Christian Science healing ,” Nathan Talbot, May 2017, Journal ] So clear! This penetrating, inspiring article deserves much more than a cursory view by all who love and practice Christian Science. My heartfelt gratitude to Mr.


So grateful You have no way of really knowing how much JSH-Online. com means to me, especially now.


Allow the Christ to lead When the new Journal arrives in the mail, I try to leave it alone until the beginning of the month; however, once in a while something on the cover will get my attention and I have to read the article. This was the case with the March issue.


Need met [“ Christianity’s cup, cross, and crown ,” Judith Hardy Olson, February 2017, Journal ] For many years, I opened the Journal in search of spiritual inspiration and found many articles with helpful insights. More recently I’ve opened the Journal in search of healing.


Proving evil unreal The clarity of Mark McCurties’s article, “ The lie of evil unmasked ,” in the February 2017 Journal is deeply appreciated. What a thorough and awakening explanation of our God-given power to prove evil nothing.


Wonderful start to the new year In reading the testimonies in the January 2017 Journal, I had such a sense of error just falling away, because it cannot stand in the presence of Truth. And I felt a sweet expectation of how all error—all that is unlike God—will continue to fall as we cherish this Christ Science.


Opportunity to contribute The Bible says, “Whatsoever things are of good report … think on these things” ( Philippians 4:8 ). We are seeking more submissions for the Journal ’s “Of Good Report” column.


Opportunity to contribute The Journal has an occasional column called “ Learning from what Jesus said . ” Whether you’re inspired by the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ parables, or what the master Christian said during the last supper—or something else entirely—we’re interested in hearing how Christ Jesus’ words have brought increased understanding and depth to your practice of Christian Science.


Answer to prayer The article “ The fruits of Christly prayer ” by Liz Butterfield Wallingford in the September Journal offers thoughtful remarks related to the account of Jesus and the fig tree found in the Bible (see Matthew 21:18–22 ). It was, in fact, an answer to my morning prayer.


Opportunity to contribute The Bible says, “Whatsoever things are of good report … think on these things” ( Philippians 4:8 ). We are seeking more submissions for the Journal ’s “Of Good Report” column.

