Testimonies of Healing
I am most grateful for protection during the coronavirus pandemic. In late February 2020, my wife and I visited Venice for carnival.
When this author was stung by a wasp, she was led to pray for the world. Her prayers had a healing effect.
When our son was in grade school, he had periods of dry coughing. These instances came at different times of the year and for no apparent reason, as he seemed to be in perfect health otherwise.
A student once asked his astronomy professor, “If I go to the end of the universe and poke my finger through, won’t the universe keep going?” His question implied he was thinking of the universe as a physically spatial entity, and the professor replied that the student needed to exchange his concept of a material universe, which would be inherently limited, for a mathematical model that represented ideas. Like the student, I found myself making the same mistake while trying to resolve an increasingly restrictive and unpleasant business conflict with a couple.
As a child attending a Christian Science Sunday School, I learned that God is a reliable source of help, but I never knew that the hymns we sang would be prayers when I needed them. I realized this when my dad signed me up for flying lessons the summer that I turned sixteen.
In September of 2001, when I had recently retired from teaching, the branch Church of Christ, Scientist, where I was a member was holding elections for First and Second Reader. While church members are free to withdraw their names from the eligibility list, it had always been my practice to keep my name on the list for Readers and other church officers.
I began playing volleyball year-round starting in middle school. I took much joy in the sport, partly because I realized that it was a way to express God-given qualities.
For about thirty years I felt chained down by the fear of speaking among peers and in large areas. This fear was debilitating, to the point that I would have extreme physical reactions to even the thought of speaking in front of others.
Following a long journey from my home in Montevideo, I arrived in the Lunarejo Valley, in the northern part of Uruguay, with a group of fellow hikers. I was looking forward to being able to participate in a hike with them the following day in this scenic part of the country.
Since I was introduced to Christian Science as a twelve-year-old, I have repeatedly experienced the grace of God, who is infinite Love. I very quickly believed and felt the truth of what the first chapter of the Bible says: “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; .