Testimonies of Healing
My heart is filled with gratitude for all the blessings I’ve gained through the light that Christian Science has brought to my life. One example of this is a quick recovery from a forehead injury.
I’m very grateful for being healed through Christian Science during the fall of 2022. While I was not diagnosed, I was in pain and congested.
After my wife and I returned from a trip to California in the spring of 2022, I had a bout of severe coughing that woke me in the middle of the night. So as not to disturb my wife’s sleep, I rose and went out to the sofa in another room to pray.
Last year, I began feeling quite ill with symptoms of Covid-19. My husband and I love Christian Science and have had remarkable healings in our family.
As I was heading off to church one freezing Sunday morning, I slipped on the icy concrete outside my house and landed on the grass. I was fine except that my wrist didn’t look normal.
This author says, “With every step I took, I tried to be conscious of the fact that divine Mind and I were one, moving together, with no separation between us.”
Over the decades, I’ve found the accounts of healing published in the Christian Science periodicals, as well as those shared at Wednesday testimony meetings, to be powerful reminders of the healing effectiveness of Christian Science. I send my gratitude to all who have followed God’s leading and testified to the practicality and relevance of this spiritual method of healing.
As the end of 2019 was approaching, I decided to spend Christmas and New Year’s with my son and my ex-wife in the US. We decided to meet in Boston, Massachusetts, where my ex-wife lived at that time.
A number of years ago after doing some house painting, I began to have difficulty breathing. The problem persisted for a number of days despite my prayers.
It was 10:00 p. m.