Testimonies of Healing
Just recently I had a wonderful healing of my hand. All of a sudden, one of my fingers began to be painful.
One morning recently , I couldn't do anything that required me to bend over even slightly without severe pain. I began to pray immediately.
For me , one of the most meaningful statements in Science and Health is this one: "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need" ( p. 494 ).
This statement of Mary Baker Eddy's has been very important in my life: "We live in an age of Love's divine adventure to be All-in-all" ( The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 158 ).
I've had many proofs of God's loving care in my life. As a child, I was healed of scarlet fever through prayer.
A number of years ago I had a persistent sore throat. I read this in Science and Health: "Disease has no intelligence with which to move itself about or to change itself from one form to another.
I feel deep gratitude for the protection I experienced on a fishing trip. On a winter day, about five o'clock in the afternoon, I asked my friend, a super athlete and inveterate fisherman, to show me the "put and take" section of a certain trout stream.
I had the usual ensign jitters as I looked over the more than 200 men of "my" department. All of them knew more about the procedures, personalities, policies, even the physical layout, of the ship than I did, and I was supposed to be their leader! Despite four and a half years of Navy training, I still felt overwhelmed, so I turned to the method that had always worked for me in the past—I prayed for God's guidance.
Here is one of the many healings that I have experienced. One morning I got up, fixed breakfast for my husband and me, and sat down to eat.
I was an overweight child , an overweight young adult, and an overweight adult. As an adult I visited with a Christian Science practitioner, who asked me if there was anything she could help me with.