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From the August 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dr. E. N. Harris, of the American Academy of Dental Science, has, at the request of that Society, submitted his anniversary address before them for publication. The neat, attractive exterior of the little pamphlet is fair perspective of the thirty pages of interesting reading which the address makes up.

As has been noted in these columns, the genial doctor has the honor of being the first dentist in the world to call the attention of his colleagues to the desirability of a knowledge of Christian Science in the operations of dentistry. Nothing could more practically prove the probability that his "profession is rapidly redeeming the past and proving her right to a high seat among the sciences," than his insistence upon the "important bearing Christian Science is to have upon it in the future." All honor to our brave C. S., D. D. S.,—and many appreciative readers for his admirable lecture.

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