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Testimonies of Healing

I was almost totally blind, and suffered...

From the August 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Chelsea, Mass.

I was almost totally blind, and suffered such agony with one eye as only those who saw me can imagine. Sometimes I was quite out of my mind with pain. General health was very poor, from the use of mercury, and the gums of my mouth badly swollen. Began treatment with W. H. Bertram, of E. Boston. Imagine my surprise to find after the first treatment that my gums were all right, and I could eat anything; also the pain in my eye quite disappeared. Soon Mr. Bertram dismissed me, wholly restored, with as perfect sight as anybody's. I daily send grateful thoughts to God for the work He is accomplishing through the true Christian Scientists,—uplifting mankind to health, strength and happiness; and I hope these lines may reach some needy ones, and convince them of the Truth of Christian Science, in spite of the statements of opposers to the contrary.

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