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[From the Boston Traveller.]

The Christian Scientists' Celebration

From the August 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Christian Scientists' Association celebrated its ninth anniversary July 16, by an excursion to the Point of Pines. The founder and president of the Association, Rev. M. B. G. Eddy, was present, together with nearly one hundred members, besides numerous invited guests. After several hours of social intercourse, a collation was served in one of the small dining halls, after which speeches were made by the President, Dr. Crabtree, (author of "Journeyings of Jesus"), Rev. Mr. Winckley, Mr. Kellaway, and a number of the students. Mrs. Stetson added largely to the interest of the occasion by two recitations. During the exercises Mrs. Eddy gave to the assembled company the spiritual interpretation of the sea, with its ever-changing expressions of beauty and grandeur; and as the lessen fell from her lips, each student realized more fully than ever before her power of translating the Scriptures into their original language, viz., that of mind. Dr. E. M. Harris, who had the honor of presenting the subject of Christian Science for the first time to the Massachusetts Dental Academy in an annual address at its last meeing, and who, on this account, receives the gratitude of the Association, read the resolutions, which were unanimously adopted. These expressed gratitude for the "successful progress in the great cause of Christian Science and metaphysical healing;" complimented the president and other officers; and declared that " the Fourth of July—the day upon which this Association was founded—be perpetuated as a fit anniversary for giving thanks and rejoicing with this American nation; but in a still higher sense of religions liberty than that for which, on these very shores of New England, our Pilgrim Fathers struggled."

The following resolutions were adopted by the Association on the occasion of its Ninth Anniversary:

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