I think it my duty, for the benefit of suffering humanity, and the credit of Christian Science, to make the following statement. I have been afflicted for years with five tumors about my neck, and one on my cheek, and have been under the physician's care for months. Last September my doctor told me, with tears in his eyes, that there was no help for me, that I might choke to death at any moment. The medicine he had given me had caused my flesh to turn quite dark, and broke down my health entirely. I felt as though I carried a mountain-weight of sin about me. I was advised to come to you, by Mrs. E. Hopkins, and am thankful to say, to-day, that the tumors are all gone. My original whiteness has returned. My health is entirely recovered, and I feel happy and light-hearted as a little girl. Hoping that these few lines may induce others to put themselves under this treatment, I am,
respectfully and thankfully yours,
363 Pearl St., North Albany, N. Y.