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Testimonies of Healing


From the February 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I recently received a letter from a stranger in a neighboring State, saying that he had for years been troubled with catarrh, biliousness, and dyspepsia, and desired treatment. I sold him Science and Health, and commenced treating him in his absence. In seven days he wrote:

My condition has improved considerably. I now eat just what I want, and it does not hurt me. The catarrh is not so troublesome. I felt an attack of biliousness coming on last Saturday. I was so yellow in my face that two of my shop mates spoke to me of it. I would not admit it, or even look in a glass to see for myself. I went away by myself, and spent a half-hour in earnest endeavor to overcome the error, and I came off more than conqueror. In about two hours the biliousness had entirely left me.

I read the book with much pleasure and profit. It has opened to me things I had no conception of before.

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