Why do you insist that there is but one Soul, and that Soul is not in the body?
First. I urge this fundamental fact and grand verity of Christian Science, because it includes a rule that must be understood, or it is impossible to demonstrate the Science. Soul is a synonym of Spirit, and God is Spirit. There is but one God, and the Infinite is not within the finite; hence Soul is one, and is God; and God is not in matter or the mortal body.
Second. Because Soul is a term for Deity, and this term should seldom be employed except where the word God can be used and make complete sense. The word Soul may sometimes be used metaphorically; but if this term is warped to signify a human quality, a substitution of sense for soul clears the meaning, and assists one to understand Christian Science. Mary's acclamation: "My soul doth magnify the Lord," is rendered, in Science, "My spiritual sense doth magnify the Lord;" for the name of Deity cannot be used in that place and bring out the meaning of the passage. It was evidently an illuminated sense through which she discovered the spiritual origin of man. "The soul that sinneth, it shall die," means, that "Mortal man (alias material sense) that sinneth, shall die;" and it is the commonly accepted view that soul is deathless. Soul is the Divine Mind, for Soul cannot be formed or brought forth by human thought, and must proceed from God; hence it must be sinless, and destitute of self-created or derived capacity to sin.