At last this little volume, Unity of Good, is before the public, and on sale at 385 Commonwealth Avenue. Within less than a hundred pages Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy discusses some of the questions oftenest asked among Christian Scientists.
The secondary title of this unique little book, the Unreality of Evil, indicates its underlying purpose. No doctrine of Mrs. Eddy's seems so absurd to outsiders as this, that matter, sin, and sickness are so absolutely non-existent, that God can not even behold them.
In this book the authoress shows how she views the subject. If God is All and One, and that One All is Spirit, then there is no place left for matter, which is certainly not Spirit. Again: if sin and sickness are negatives and not positives, then where are they? Surely, shadow is not substance, not real; and sin and sickness are but shadows, which are as unreal as darkness. Light is the One Good! But for Mrs. Eddy's arguments, the reader is referred to the book itself.
The style of the book is attractive, and the soft, sober binding befits the contents.