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[Extract from then letter to Rev. M. B. G. Eddy.]

From the March 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The world is flooded with false teachers and their literature; but dear Science and Health is a whole library in itself,—pure and beautiful. Its pages stand above the waves of error.

That book and the Bible have been my daily study for four years. One must be on an "exceeding high mountain," where Jesus led his students, to see all there is of Christ in this most wonderful book. Never a day passes but I wish the author could hear, as I do, the words of joy and hope its pages inspire in the mind of hopeless and sorrow-laden invalids. Human language can never tell the half, my dear Teacher. The drunkard, the tobacco-slave, the consumptive, the blind, lame, and deaf, the epileptic, all bless and love Science and Health and its author.

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