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From the March 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The higher we rise in the understanding of Truth, the greater our demonstration, and the more subtle the error we have to meet. I learn from my own experience, and by observing that of others, that this correspondence is kept up, and there is nothing for us to do but work constantly on the side of Truth, and be instant in season and out of season, never stopping in our upward march. The enemy is not only on both hands, but round about us. We can easily realize this when we remember that Truth, Life, and Love are symbolized by the circle. As faithful sentinels of God (Good) we must never halt, but keep up our march, with the strong right arm (which is power) outward, between us and the foe. So marching we shall ever face the Light, and in our left hand hold "riches and honor," which are ever within the circle of our Father's love.

This also I have observed, that God's sentinels require the whole armor, and this armor must be composed of that which is impenetrable to all the shafts of Satan's evil force. We need moral courage, fidelity to right, steadfastness, vigilance.

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