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Ye must become as a little child, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

From the March 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was the eve of Christmas, the snow lay deep and white;
I sat beside my window, and looked into the night;
I heard the church-bells ringing, and saw the bright stars shine;
And childhood came again to me, with all its dreams divine.

Then, as I listened to the bells, and watched the skies afar,
Out of the east majestical, there rose one radiant Star;
And every other star grew pale, before that heavenly glow,
It seemed to bid me follow, and I could not choose but go.

From street to street it led me, by many a mansion fair,
It shone through dingy casements, on many a garret bare;
From highway on to highway, through alley dark and cold,
And where it shone, the darkness was flooded all with gold.

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