One of the most impressive occasions ever witnessed in our church's history took place on Sunday, February 26, when many of our little people were christened with the baptism of Christ, by their beloved Pastor. The little ones were gathered about her on the platform in sweet silence, as she named for each one the fruitage of "Christ's baptism of the Holy Spirit," exemption from "sin, sickness, and death." Even the very small children understood her, and followed her through her explanation of baptism by water and by fire and the Holy Ghost, realizing, probably, as little children never did before, more of the Truth of Being, and what God requires of us. The presence of our Pastor's grandchildren among the others, was an added solemnity to her people who love her.
Thus the children have been brought early into the fold, and they will take up the work, and carry it on to perfection, not being handicapped by tradition and false doctrines. They are equipped right at the start. Our Pastor's heart is vested in them to carry on the great work which she has founded.