At the meeting of the Mass. Metaphysical College on June first, there were present many from distant points. The session opened by calling to the chair Dr. E. J. Foster Eddy, who, stepping forward, slowly turned a reversed picture that had been resting on an easel at the right of the speaker's desk. A deep-drawn breath of surprise and delight filled the room as there stood revealed, in life-sized crayon, the face of our beloved leader, Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science. Hebrews 11th, feelingly read as a message from our Teacher, was followed by selections from Science and Health, together with words of greeting and exhortation from the president. Matters of general interest were discussed, and the result of this, as of other meetings of the children of the Alma Mater, will be wide-spread and in the line of Science.