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From the July 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My son, Dr. E. J. Foster Eddy, will resume the teaching of Christian Science. He will begin by instructing the Primary class. Those desiring to study with him will please send their applications to him. He is now prepared, so far as it is possible at this time for a student to be, to teach what I teach, and will be governed by the previous rules of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College.

Also, I hereby notify all those dear ones who desire to enter a Normal class taught by me, that my next Normal class will fulfill all previous agreements, and afterwards, no student can enter the class with me for a teacher, who has not first been prepared in the Primary, either by myself or by my son, Dr. Eddy, for entering the Normal class. Severe experience has shown me the importance of adopting this rule for the benefit of my students,—Concord, N. H., June,6,1892.

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