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From the July 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

An ingenious, would-be inventor conceived the following idea of a life-saving device to be used at some point along a very dangerous coast, where sunken rocks lie in wait to wreck any craft that may be allured or driven too near them. Upon a central reef standing above the sea level at high tide, a station was to be built. Stretching from it in every direction, and fastened to the sunken rocks, were to be cables, or something of that kind, with unique attachments along their length. The instant the hand of a shipwrecked man should grasp one of these cables at any point, a soft but firm, strong bracelet would spring out and clasp his wrist; and, as long as his weight was in the least borne by it, its hold would be sure. However fiercely the waves might dash over him or beat upon him, even though he might become unconscious, he was still being surely pulled to the rock of safety.

This dreamer was thinking of the breakers and dangers of the broad Atlantic, and his device evidently met only the superior smile of practical experts on life-saving appliances; but I wonder if the most practical of them ever thought of a Rock of Safety from which a life-saving device is thrown to all who are floundering in the sea of unstable, treacherous, murderous mortal mind.

The Rock of Safety on the shore of Time, facing this sea with its sunken reefs, is Christ—Truth of Being; the life-saving device, which, when once grasped by the wrecked mariner, in turn gently but firmly clasps the hand reached out for its help, is Christian Science. Men frightened and floundering in the waves of sense, mortal mind, see this strong cable, hear that it promises safety —in fact, see others being drawn upon the Rock —and they reach out after it; but, for some reason, their hands fail to really clasp the cable, and they drift away apparently beyond reach. But when the conditions are fulfilled, when their hand (will to do His will) closes tightly around this strong cable, then loving, tender, omnipotent arms reach out and clasp the sinking one. Then, no matter how the storm beats or the waves lash, no matter if consciousness of the beneficent arms be lost, he is surely drawn to the place of safety, the secret habitation of the Most High; for, this life-saving cable is anchored within the veil."

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