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From the July 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The following extract copied from a letter to me recently received from a wellknown Christian Scientist, may at least amuse the readers of our Journal.

After doing justice to this subject I had dropped it, as we naturally turn away from a fossilized falsehood. But evidence and testimony on the side of truth are always in order, and proverbially better late than never.

"It might be of interest for you to know that Mr. A. J. Swartz of Chicago went to see the late Doctor P. P. Quimby's son, and procured his father's writings for the purpose of having them published in order to show the world that your ideas were borrowed from Quimby. After having examined them, to their utter disappointment it was found there was nothing that would compare in any way to Science and Health; and he, Swartz, concluded that it would aid you too much to publish them, so they were returned to the owner.

"Mrs. Swartz saw and read these MSS. and she gave me this information."

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